Ant control from Stratford Pest ControlBird control from Stratford Pest Controlfox control from Stratford Pest ControlMice control from Stratford Pest ControlRat control from Stratford Pest Control
Stratford Pest Control provide affordable and effective Black and Pharaoh ant treatments.
Protect your home and business from pest birds. Contact us today to come and survey your property for free!
Foxes causing a problem on your property? Call us now on 07552 755 202 to get them removed.
Mice can cause a considerable amount of damage to your property. Stratford Pest Control are experts in rodent control.
Don't let rats takeover your home - keep you property safe by calling us today on 07552 755 202.

Call us for a free quote!

01789 764 433
07552 755 202

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Accredited PROMPT Member

As a Full Member of the Basis PROMPT Continuing Professional Development Scheme you can be assured you’re getting a professional, safe and accredited service at an affordable price. Everyone at Stratford Pest Control is highly experienced, qualified to a high standard and are fully insured, so you know you're getting an expert and trusted service.

PROMPT Accredited Member

Cockroach control

Stratford Pest Control provides effective and affordable cockroach control across Stratford-upon-Avon and surrounding towns and villages.

Cockroaches carry food-poisoning germs on their bodies and are responsible for the spread of a number of diseases including dysentery and gastroenteritis. They feed on almost anything such as rotten animals, faecal matter and food meant for human consumption.

Why you may need to control cockroaches

Cockroaches are now a very common but dangerous pest to have in your home or business. They are They are rarely seen in the day are usually found in small gaps and crevices and come out at night to feed.
The two most common species of cockroach in the UK are the:

cockroach infestation

Don’t let cockroaches shut your business down. Contact us now to discuss your pest control contracts.

  • Oriental cockroach
  • German cockroach

These can be distinguished by their size and colour, with the Oriental cockroach being larger and darker in colour. Only the German cockroach can climb smooth vertical surfaces.

How to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches are notoriously difficult to eradicate without the help of a professional. Stratford Pest Control has the knowledge and expertise to control any cockroach infestation which may have invaded your home or business.

If you have an cockroach problem and require a professional call us now on 01789 764 433 or 07552 755 202, or email us on for your local pest control professional.